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Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Scientist Claims to Find Treatment for HIV Cure

Jakarta, As long as there is no single drug that has consistently proven to eradicate HIV (Human Imunodeficiency Virus), the virus that causes AIDS. More recently, scientists claimed to have found a method of therapy that can kill the virus.

In a study presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), scientists from Yeshiva University demonstrated the ability of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) to destroy HIV-infected cells were taken from blood samples of patients who had been treated with antiretroviral therapy.

According to the study authors, while treatments such as antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been shown to be effective in helping patients manage their disease HIV positive, but do not kill all infected cells. 

"In HIV patients on HAART , drugs suppress viral replication, which means they keep the number of virus particles in the blood stream of patients is very low. however, HAART can not kill HIV-infected cells, "said study author Dr. Ekaterina Dadachovasaid, such as in reports from FoxNews, Monday (9/12 / 2013). 

"Any strategy to cure HIV infection should include methods to eliminate cells infected with the virus," says Ekaterina. 

Researchers say that RIT deliver cytotoxic radiation explosion, which successfully cleared of HIV infection from blood samples from 15 patients infected HIV. Used in combination with antiretroviral therapy, and the study authors believe that one day it can successfully cure patients of HIV.

Sumber : http://health.detik.com/read/2013/12/09/065521/2435874/763/ilmuwan-mengklaim-temukan-terapi-untuk-sembuhkan-hiv

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